Saturday 8 March 2014

The Capulet Clan

Capulet in Romeo and Juliet (2013)
Capulet - He is the head of the Capulet household and subsequently also Juliet's father. Capulet makes all the decisions regarding his daughter's marriage arrangements and becomes offended when she is against them. He yearns for respect and this influences his strict nature and anger issues. He shows love and affection for his daughter, but only when she is obedient to him. Capulet tends to think more about himself does not pay attention to Juliet's thoughts and feelings, making him a selfish character. 

Shakespeare uses vulgar in Capulet's speech to portray his disappointment in Juliet's actions"hang thee, young baggage, disobedient wretch" - Act 3, Scene 5, Line 160  
A metaphor is used to show how important Juliet was to Capulet, and how much she meant to him "...and with my child my joys are buried" - Act 4, Scene 5, Line 63 

Lady Capulet in Romeo and Juliet (2013)

Lady Capulet - She is Juliet's forceful yet loving mother and husband of Capulet. Marrying young, she believes she is a role model for Juliet, when in fact she is quite distant from her daughter. Lady Capulet is obedient to her husband as she is afraid of the consequences if she defies him. She cares for the well-being of her daughter by trying to convince her to marry Paris. 

A direct statement is used in "Do as thou wilt, for I have done with thee" - Act 3, Scene 5, Line 203, to show Lady Capulet's discontent for her daughter and her actions 
Shakespeare uses a hyperbole to highlight how much Lady Capulet loved her daughter " child, my only life!" - Act 4, Scene 5, Line 19 

Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet (2013)
Tybalt - he is thought to be the main antagonist of the play, being the barrier between Romeo and Juliet's love. He is protective of his household name and is very proud to be a Capulet. As for Montagues, Tybalt has a strong dislike towards them and enjoys taunting their people; but he becomes violent if the opposite occurs. Tybalt is abrasive and short - tempered, drawing his sword whenever possible. 

Shakespeare has used irony "..Thou art a villain" - Act 3, Scene 1, Line 54, to depict Tybalt's misunderstanding of Romeo and Juliet's love. Tybalt is moreover the antagonist than Romeo is.

Nurse in Romeo and Juliet (2013)

Nurse - the Nurse is a motherly figure for Juliet, raising her since she was born. She cares for Juliet dearly and is one of her most trusted sources to go to for help and advice.  Her occasional comments and remarks in conversations between Juliet and her mother, makes her a humorous character in the play. Her reliability makes her the messenger between Juliet and Romeo as she agrees that Juliet should go seek love. This is until the climax for the play when Nurse reveals she believes it is better for Juliet to marry Paris for Juliet's own safety and well-being. 

Shakespeare has utilized  a hyperbole to illustrate the close relationship between Juliet and Nurse, "Thou was the prettiest babe that e'er I nursed" - Act 1, Scene 3, Line 61 

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