Saturday 15 March 2014

The Final Chance to Find Love (Act 5)

Juliet is supposedly dead and Romeo has not heard from anyone in Verona about this yet. Will Romeo ever see Juliet again? The final act of the play reveals in all...

Juliet holding a dead Romeo in her arms in Romeo and Juliet (2013)

What Will Juliet Do? (Act 4)

Juliet is all alone.. Romeo is in Mantua. They're are miles apart. Will their love still survive? 
Juliet begging Friar Lawrence for help in Romeo and Juliet (2013) 

Death Do Us Part... For Now (Act 3)

What a nice ending. Romeo and Juliet are married so they will live happily ever after. After this act you will find out why Romeo and Juliet is a romantic tragedy. Their relationship can withstand anything right?

Romeo and Juliet after spending their last night together in Romeo and Juliet (2013)

Love then Marriage... (Act 2)

Continuing from where we left off, act 2 of Romeo and Juliet feature the famous 'balcony scene'. Act 2 is the most romantic act in the play and involves the least conflict between the Capulets and Montagues. 

Romeo and Juliet Balcony Scene in Romeo and Juliet (2013)

And So The Story of Romeo and Juliet Begins (Act 1)

And we now come to the beginning of the play.. finally... you have turned the cover and are now on the first line. You read page after page until you get to the end. "That was just amazing" you think. You want to know more about the relationship between Romeo and Juliet so you magically come to this blog post. Here is Romeo and Juliet in Act 1:

Romeo and Juliet meeting each other for the first time, Romeo and Juliet (2013)

Sunday 9 March 2014

R & J in 5 Days

5 acts = 5 days 
Romeo and Juliet (the outline)

Day 1
Morning: Street brawl occurs in Verona and Prince threatens Montague’s and Capulet’s with death if it ever occurs again
Midday: Benvolio finds out Romeo is in love with Rosaline
Afternoon: Juliet discovers her soon to be marriage plans with Paris from her mother. Romeo learns that Rosaline is attending the Capulet ball and decides to go as well.
Evening: The Capulet’s host a ball which Romeo and his friends sneak into. Romeo and Juliet meet each other for the first time and fall in love. They discover each other’s household and become distraught over this
Late Night – Early Morning: Romeo visits Juliet’s balcony and they proclaim their love for each other

Day 2
Morning: Romeo goes to Friar Lawrence to ask if he can marry him and Juliet in the afternoon
Midday: The Nurse meets with Romeo to pass on information of the wedding location and time
Afternoon: Romeo and Juliet are married in Friar Lawrence’s cell. One hour later, Mercutio is killed by Tybalt who was killed by Romeo.   The princes banished Romeo from Verona
Evening: Romeo and Juliet spend their wedding night together before he departs the next morning

Day 3
Morning: Romeo leaves Verona for Mantua after spending the night with Juliet who learns that she must marry Paris or be disowned by her parents
Midday: Juliet visits Friar Lawrence’s cell and expresses her condolences to him. She receives a potion to make her appear dead for the following day, so that she will not have to marry Paris. Friar Lawrence sends a letter to Romeo, telling him of this plan.  
Afternoon: Juliet tells Capulet that she will marry Paris and the wedding is put forward by one day to tomorrow
Evening: Juliet drinks the potion and supposedly falls dead on her bed

Day 4
Morning: Nurse discovers Juliet dead and Capulet calls off the wedding
Midday: Balthazar solemnly informs Romeo of Juliet’s death. Romeo goes to the apothecary and buys a poison which will instantly kill him. He travels back to Verona so he can die next to Juliet in the tomb.
Afternoon: A funeral is held for Juliet and she is laid in the Capulet’s tomb
Evening: Romeo arrives in Verona and kills Paris when discovering him outside Capulet’s tomb. He kisses Juliet for the last time and drink the potion, killing himself

Day 5

Morning: Friar Lawrence arrives at the tomb finding out that Romeo killed himself. Juliet awakens and is distraught over Romeo’s dead body. She uses a dagger to stab herself, hence, also dying. The Capulet’s and Montague’s end their feud and promise to raise statues of Romeo and Juliet as a symbol of their unity. 

Saturday 8 March 2014

The Montague Kin

Montague in Romeo and Juliet (2013)
Montague - he is the head of the Montague household and also the father of Romeo. Unlike Capulet, Montague is concerned over Romeo and cares about his feelings and thoughts. He becomes more worrisome when Romeo wears a melancholic and uninterested personality  in Act 1. He is generous as he offers to raise a statue of Juliet as a symbol of piece between the two families.

an allusion is used by Shakespeare to emphasis Montague's growing concern over Romeo highlighting his isolation from everyone
"...shady curtains from Aurora's bed, away from lights steals house my heavy son" 
Act 1, Scene 1, Line 127 

Lady Montague in Romeo and Juliet (2013)
 Lady Montague - she is the wife of Montague and Romeo's mother. Lady Montague deeply cares about Romeo and this causes her to die of grief after Romeo was exiled from Verona. Like her husband, she worries over Romeo with her asking Benvolio of his whereabouts in Act 1. 

Shakespeare uses rhyme for the consecutive two lines that Lady Montague speaks to illustrate the concern in her voice 
"O where is Romeo? saw you him today?/Right glad I am that he was not at this fray."
Act 1, Scene 1, Line 107-108

Benvolio in Romeo and Juliet (2013)
Benvolio - he is Romeo's best friend and is always by his side when Romeo is not with Juliet. Benvolio offers Romeo support and advice for Rosaline but eventually does not need to, as he has fallen for Juliet. When a dispute or quarrel occurs between the Capulet's and the Montague's, Benvolio attempts to be the peace - maker. He quite cheerful due to his young age and genuinely cares for the well - being of his friends and family. 

Shakespeare uses punctuation to exclaim Benvolio remark to make him sound for demanding and threatening as he is trying to stop quarrel
"Part fools! Put up your swords, you know not what you do"
Act 1, Scene 1, Line 55-56

Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet (2013)

Mercutio - he is family of the Prince of Verona, but prefers to socialise with the Montagues', rather than the Capulets'. He is a playful and immature character, who likes to taunt and mock others using his sexual puns. His teasing can be quite rude sometimes which ultimately results in his death after Tybalt took his joke too far. Mercutio and Benvolio were companions or Romeo before he got banished. 

Sexual innuendo is evident in " by her fine foot, straight leg, quivering thigh" (Act 2, Scene 1, Line 19) as said by Mercutio to illustrate his mocking personality towards others